Grab The Free Stuff To Refresh Your Teacher Resources

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Hello, I’m Sylvia Skinner, a school teacher and the creator of I Love To Teach 101 (ILTT). I am thrilled to share a collection of free stuff with you, right from my digital workspace to yours. Each month, I add at least one new free resource. Only members can access the free stuff. So, sign up now. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
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How to access the free stuff

I am thrilled to share a collection of free resources with you, right from my personal digital workspace to yours. But, I understand that life can sometimes get a bit too hectic. So, as much as I’d love to have you on board indefinitely, I want to give you the freedom to choose your path. You can unsubscribe from the monthly newsletter at any time, no strings attached. But remember, staying subscribed means staying connected to all the free stuff, that keeps nurturing your teaching spirit with fresh inspirations.
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Free stuff to maximise engagement

One of the perks of becoming an ILTT Tribe member is the exclusive access to free resources that breathe fresh life into your lessons. Every month, I channel my experience and expertise into creating at least one free teacher resource to aid your journey. 

These resources are crafted with the objective of making your lessons a vibrant and enriching experience for your students. Let’s face it, without utilising a plethora of resources, accommodating the varied learning styles and paces of our students can be quite the uphill task. 

Certainly, we’ve all faced those moments where lesson planning seems more like a chore than a joy. Our ILTT Tribe is here to lighten that load, offering resources to enhance your teaching and add flavour to your teaching sessions.

Free Resources when you Join I Love To Teach 101

Free stuff to enrich your teaching palette

 In the quest to continually refresh our teaching materials, embracing ready-made resources can be a game-changer. Blake Fetty, in an article on Today’s Learner by Cengage, aptly encapsulates this in his advice, “Use what’s already made”. As educators, especially in the nascent stages of our careers, the task of crafting vibrant lesson plans can often feel herculean, with the mounting pressure of time constraints and the desire to create something engaging. 

Fetty suggests leaning on the plethora of both online and offline resources available, thereby alleviating the pressure to create everything from scratch. This harmonises beautifully with the ethos of the ILTT Tribe, where I strive to add to this reservoir of ready-to-use, free stuff every month.

free pastel motivational poster

Download right now this Free pastel motivational poster for your classroom.

Join ILTT to access free resources

l’m aways here, working behind the scenes, adding a sprinkle of innovation to the pool of free resources, making sure that there’s something new to look forward to, every month. ILTT is here to lighten your load, offering resources that foster engagement and hands-on learning experiences.

Remember, it’s a cordial space where you are always free to stay or leave.