The UK inclusion agenda: right for everyone?

Editor’s Note: This post, written by guest author and experienced UK teacher Beth Thomas, explores the challenges of the UK inclusion agenda. While written from a UK perspective, the experiences and strategies shared here may resonate with educators in other contexts.
I’ve been mulling over the UK inclusion agenda, which argues that every child has a right to be included in mainstream education. The goal is to provide every child with a sense of belonging by celebrating and encouraging diversity.
However, as with any ambitious ideal, the reality is often far more complex.
The history of the UK inclusion agenda
The inclusion agenda in the UK began with Baroness Warnock’s 1978 report, which advocated against segregated special schools in favour of a more inclusive approach to education. This led to significant policy changes, including the 2002 SEN code of practice, which mandated learning support and pastoral care in mainstream schools.
However, many specialist settings were closed during this transition, leaving only schools for children with profound learning disabilities. Baroness Warnock herself acknowledged in 2005 that the inclusion agenda had gone too far, highlighting how it failed children with social, emotional, and mental health challenges who struggled in mainstream environments.
Inclusion: A Double-Edged Sword?
Children with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, can thrive in mainstream settings with additional support. However, for children with sensory processing issues or autism spectrum conditions, the environment can be overwhelming.
Imagine for a moment that every sound feels uncomfortable in your ears, every movement distracts your eyes, and every brush of clothing against your skin is painful. For some children, the sensory bombardment of a mainstream school is too much to handle.
A personal case study
This has been evident in the case of my teenage son, who has autism and sensory processing disorder. He managed well in primary school, but the busy, constantly shifting environment of secondary school quickly became unmanageable.
After 16 months of fighting for appropriate provision, we secured a place at an independent specialist school. However, this was only possible after categorising my son as having “high needs,” not because of his intelligence or ability, but due to the lack of local state-funded options for children with sensory processing challenges.
Can the inclusion agenda be fixed?
The inclusion agenda was designed to ensure all children receive an education with equality of opportunity. However, it often requires children to fit into schools rather than schools adapting to meet the needs of every child.
I believe the solution lies in a mix of schools designed for different levels of need. Such a system would create happier, healthier environments for all children from the start, ensuring no one is left to struggle inappropriately in mainstream settings.
Supporting the inclusion agenda as teachers
While the system remains flawed, teachers play a crucial role in supporting students with additional needs. Some practical steps include:
- Document struggles: Keep detailed records of a student’s challenges to build a strong case for specialist provision.
- Show flexibility: Adapt lessons and environments to accommodate students who find mainstream settings overwhelming.
- Advocate for better support: Use your voice and expertise to push for more inclusive and specialised educational options.
Ultimately, inclusion should not be about forcing every child into the same mould. It’s about creating an education system that celebrates diversity and ensures all children can thrive.
Final thoughts
The inclusion agenda raises important questions about equality and diversity in education. While it has brought about positive changes, it’s clear that more needs to be done to address the needs of children who cannot cope in mainstream environments.
Have you experienced similar challenges with inclusion policies in your country? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Thank you so much, Beth, for writing such an open and heart felt article about your experience and your son’s educational requirements.
Yes, even in Australia parents are seeking alternative learning environments because “the system” does not always meet the needs of their children.
I’ve had parents who fight to keep their child in the mainstream but others like my sister whose child could not survive in mainstream high school, had to fight to get her into another school that cost more than she could afford. She won her case and now my niece is thriving.
I think your article is so good because you clearly show how there are so many different views to this as each child is unique. Also I feel that you have enabled me to understand better, what it must feel like for students like your son, in High School. Thank you for sharing – Sylvia.